Archive for July, 2011


One of the headlines of this organisation is ‘Broken Britain’.  If there is any one person within the whole of these ‘Sceptred isles’ who does not only understand that and agree, then they are one of just two types.  They are either complete fools who go through life with their eyes wide shut or they are left-wing liberal traitors who have but one agenda, and that is the complete and utter destruction of the United Kingdom.

The country is in chaos!  The evidence is everywhere.  Our education system is failing our young people and the country’s future.  Our health system is still killing people by infection and even starving them to death.  Our welfare system is failing the people who are vulnerable and need supporting but at the same time it is more than supporting and encouraging the work-shy to spend their lives contributing nothing but extracting vast amounts of money from others who do get out of their beds in the morning.

Our cities and towns are pictures of neglect with empty shops and businesses cropping up on an almost daily basis.  All types of businesses, even those with full order books, are being starved of funding by the banks.  The same banks that we had no choice but to bail out with our own money when their mismanagement and corrupt practises caught up with them.  The same banks who we were made to believe had agreed to make such funding available to businesses as part of that deal.

Hardly a day goes by without an announcement in the media of more job losses.  Not just a few, but in their thousands.  More people being thrown onto the scrap heap.  More people unable to pay the ever-increasing price of essential commodities.  More people having their homes repossessed by the very same banks that are refusing to release money for mortgages.

Our young people are being betrayed.  Do you think it is a coincidence that cheap alcohol is freely available in numerous supermarkets and even more numerous ‘convenience’ stores?  Friday and Saturday nights in any town centre across the width and breadth of the country resemble a battlefield, with drunken bodies littering the streets.  Police and hospital services struggling to manage an ever-increasing number of violent incidents as a result of alcohol.  Don’t be taken seriously ill, have an accident or need help from the police on those nights because the resources are stretched to the limit already.

Drugs are almost as freely available as cheap booze.  Young people think nothing of ingesting drugs that are meant to tranquilise horses, so that they can enjoy an evening out with their friends.  Young people die as a result.  Many of those who survive these ‘recreation’ drugs graduate onto harder substances such as heroin.  Incidentally, are you aware that the majority, if not all, heroin on the streets of this country, emanates from Afghanistan, the country where even more of our young people are being maimed and killed for the whims of politicians?  Did you also realise that not one ounce of heroin leaves that God forsaken country without the blessing of the Taliban, who charge a fee for allowing it to be grown and shipped.  Each gram sold by a dealer for a junkie to ‘shoot up’, contributes toward the death and mutilating of good decent young people who only want to serve their country.  Do you think that is a coincidence as well?

Gang warfare rages openly on the streets of London and Manchester.  In London a special police squad has been set up to investigate so-called ‘Black-on-Black’ attacks.  Young men carry knives as a matter of course for ‘self-defense’.  Guns are routinely available if you have just a few pounds to spare, even automatic sub-machine guns such as the Uzi shown.   Coming mainly from the Afro-Caribean community it is the minority of youngsters that manage to avoid being sucked into these gangs, indeed many join them for protection.  It has been said that the Metropolitan Police have given up some streets to these criminals leaving the law abiding citizens to struggle through their daily lives as best as they can. 

We are constantly told by our ‘Leaders’ that there is not enough money to:   provide housing, look after our elderly, keep libraries open, repair schools, provide books and equipment for schools, provide life saving drugs, repair the roads etc etc, whilst we still pour £50 million PER DAY into the European Union.  Increasing amounts of £ Billions in Foreign Aid to countries that in some cases do not need the money nor even want it. India is a case in point.  One of the strongest new economies it is a nuclear power, has its own space programme and even has her own aircraft carriers with state of the art fighter aircraft.  India has stated that they do not need or want our money.  But still our corrupt politicians publicly state that there is so much corruption in India that the central government cannot always help the poorest of the people (well our politicians would know about that wouldn’t they?), therefore it is the responsibility of the British people to help them.  Why? 

Other nation’s leaders spend the Aid money on executive jets or mansions in Paris, whilst their people scrabble in the rubbish tips for food.  Our government is fully aware of this of course, so why do they continue to waste our money?  Is it all really just to make David Cameron feel good?

The security of the nation is being betrayed.  Police forces across the country are being forced to get rid of the central cadre of experienced officers.  The officers who have spent 30 years learning to protect the people from the criminals.  The experience that should continue to protect us and also to teach the younger officers.  Why?  Because it is easier to mould younger less experienced police officers into the ways that the government needs.  To turn a police force from a service that serves the people – to a force that controls the people.

Prisons are being closed at the same time.  Just at the time when it is likely that they will be needed, with an increase in the crime rate on the cards.  Others are being transferred to the private sector, so that shareholders can make a profit from the boom in crime.  Some businesses will be successful!  What chance does Justice have in todays Great Britain when we have to endure a Judge state that she understands how a paedophile teacher can be sexually attracted to children and then releases him.  Of course that judge should be defrocked, or whatever it is they do to judges other than send them to the House of Lords, but I would also suggest that she be investigated herself!

Our Armed Forces are being decimated to the extent that we would be unable to defend our own shores in the event of a serious conflict.  The Royal Navy has no means to defend itself from the air.  Our naval pilots are now serving on a French aircraft carrier, flying French airplanes, speaking French and eating French food.  I wonder how fast Lord Nelson is spinning right now?  The Royal Air Force is now reduced to an equivalent size to that of the Belgium Air Force.  Our Army is being reduced to a standing army smaller than since before the Boer War.  But all the while, these brave young hero’s are expected to face a viscous enemy in two wars, neither of which we should we be involved in, and risk mutilation or death for a government that will not even allow them the dignity of a formal, dignified and sincere show of respect from the people, and insists on their flag draped coffins being slipped quietly out of the back gate when they come home for the last time.  Why?

The people of Great Britain are being held in fear.  Fear from all of the above and many more reasons that you can think of for yourself.  People are easier to control when that have so much to worry about.  “Yea, yea but I live in the real world”!  Which is just what the government wants to hear because they can now get on with what it really wants to do as opposed to what it should be doing.

The first responsibility of any government is to its people.  To ensure first the security, then the health (mental as well as physical)  and then the wealth of its people.  Since the 1970’s, the British government of whatever hue, has done the exact opposite.  In the slow and silent march towards the New World Order and the One World Government, we have first to evolve into the  one European State.  Great Britain (and France and Spain and Italy etc) will all cease to exist.  One European Super State.  One European currency.  One European Armed Force.  One European Police.  Do you think that I am being over imaginative?  Well I’m sorry but it is already happening.

Why are we fighting wars in Afghanistan and Libya?  Why are empty British military bases in this country being refurbished?  The government is moving us toward another chapter in our history.  A dark chapter.  There is a very great risk that eventually the British people will switch off Eastenders and Celebrity Get Me Out of Here and the rest of the dross that the public is being drip fed, and wake up.  When they take to the streets in earnest, the military will be called in to deal with them.  But of course if our own troops were ordered to fire upon their own people, it is likely that they would refuse.  And of course, our own troops are being killed and maimed in a far off country.  However, if the uniforms behind the guns are Latvian, Polish or Turkish (they will be members soon enough), there will be no such hesitation. 

Polish Battle Tank.

You may well ask “Is there anything that can be done to prevent this from happening”?  The answer is that there is only one way to stop this and that is to remove the government and replace it with good, honest and decent people.  We had the opportunity to do this less than 2 years ago but all the time the British people vote into ‘power’ the Lib/Lab/Con party, the end result is inevitable.  Gone are the days when there was a difference between these parties but today they are all from the same socialist cloth.  Look hard at Cameron, Clegg and Miliband – listen to them speak.  They may as well be clones of each other and for all I know, they may just be that!

I hope and pray that we have the time to spread the word to enough people within the next three years to ensure thatwe can change the system at the next election, if they do not move before then.  I sincerely believe that we will not have another opportunity.  If they do make their move early – well just remember – I did warn you.

For the sake of tomorrow and of your children please visit us at


Video’s to watch: 

The State of the Nation

 EU Calls For ‘New World Governance’

  Shut Up:  This video is now not available to watch as it has been removed.  Censorship is alive and kicking in the Free nation of Great Britain.


The Greatest Threat?

A short while ago, I posed the question “Who or what poses the greatest threat to this country”?  Thank you all to those who responded with a wide variety of answers, which ranged from Immigration, Our Politicians, Eastenders, the EU, Islamic Extremism, our government and even one joker who suggested me, at least I hope he was joking!

The not so strange thing is of course, that in a way, they were all right, even Eastenders.  Each and every one of those issues do pose a serious threat to the security and/or well being of Great Britain – except me, although you will have to take my word for that.

We are well aware of the problems such as adding to the unemployment figures, placing a huge strain on housing, education and health amongst others, which uncontrolled immigration places upon the infrastructure of the country.  But you have to ask yourselves ‘Who has not only permitted but actively encouraged this to happen’?  The answer is the British government.

The threat to our security from Islamic Extremism is real.  Or is it?  We have experienced one major attack from so called Islamic terrorists which killed a large number of people on the London Transport system.  Since then, our security services have either prevented a large number of attacks or indeed if those attacks did go ahead, they were dismal failures.  The most dramatic of course being the Glasgowairport attack which was still a failure as far as killing innocent people went.  Other ‘attacks’ have resulted in would be bombers simply attempting to explode their bombs on underground trains with the result that the contents of their bomb simply ‘oozed’ out of the obligatory back pack.  A similar fate met would be bombers in Exeterand Bristolwith one Jihadist burning himself rather badly in a restaurant toilet with his ‘bomb’.  The big question here is ‘If the bombers can be so efficient in one attack, how come they are so bumbling in every other attack that manages to creep past our super-efficient security services?

Could the answer be that the 7/7 attack was not down simply to Al-Qaeda but possibly it was organised a lot closer to home? 

The European Union is an undemocratic, blood sucking, left wing dictatorship that forces it’s will on every nation that foolishly belongs to this club.  The whole edifice is corrupt and criminal.  It takes £50 million each and every day (paid fortnightly) from the hard pressed people of this country and gives it to other countries that are not capable of running their own financial affairs.  That’s £17.5 Billion each year that could be spent on our education system, our health system, providing a secure future for our children or a comfortable life for our pensioners.  It has enforced over 11,000 pieces of legislation that forces our fishermen to throw back half of their catches, enables foreign countries to order the arrest of Britons without recourse to our own legal system, dictates how we can buy our grapes and bananas and even tells us how to climb a ladder.  But who allows this to happen?

We get much closer to the truth to what or who is the greatest threat to this country, when we look at out own politicians and the British government.

Not every politician is crooked, there are some honest ones – I’m sure!  Seriously there are a few Members of Parliament who are there out of a sense of duty.  It’s probable that most of them entered politics out of a sense of civic duty but many of them become corrupted along the way.  Few people are strong enough to resist temptation and when that temptation is gilt edged and practically fool proof, is it any wonder that the resolve of even the wealthiest of MP’s collapses as they leap aboard the Gravy Train. 

Some became politicians because of their beliefs and a commitment to serve the people but others do it as a Career Choice.  To a man this variety come from privileged backgrounds with their early years spent at public school and then on to Ox/Bridge.  A few years spent working as a political researcher until they catch the eye of their revered party leader, and then onto the campaign trail in earnest.  Once they prove their worth as a good party MP they will find that they are moved around the country from one constituency to another until they are rewarded with a nice ‘Safe Seat’ and a job for life.  Of course they have to prove their dedication and worth – not to the people that they are supposed to be serving but to their party.

The higher up the ladder, the higher the rewards.  It matters not if their party is in office – or in ‘Power’ as they like to refer to it – they are noticed.  Now it has moved beyond mere party politics and into the real powerbase.  The unelected people who really decide how a country will be run, indeed how a world will be run.  It has been mentioned recently that Rupert Murdoch may be the power behind the throne of number 10 Downing Street.  Whether he is or not I do not know of course because I am not that privileged but it is a possibility.  I would suspect however that Murdoch is only small fry when it comes to ‘owning’ a government as big as the British government.

If that is taken as such, then who is big enough to ‘own’ most European governments and the EU?  You will recognise such names as Rothschild’s, Queen Beatrix of Holland, the CEO of Barclays Bank and others who make of a group of extremely powerful people called the Bilderburg Group.  I recommend that you Google ‘Bilderburg’ if you have no knowledge of them.  Formed in 1954, this group have been working towards one aim since then and that is a One World New Order.

Since the days of Edward Heath, when he betrayed this country by lying to her people when he took us into the then so called Common Market, the leaders of this country have had one aim and that aim is attain as much personal wealth and power as possible.  Since resigning as Prime Minister, Tony Blair has become a multi-millionaire, every where on this planet that he ventures, he is feted and lauded as a great man.  The fact that he is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in two wars, is completely ignored, most of all by him. 

Blair is far from unique in this aspect unfortunately.  The leaders of all of our main stream political parties are cut from the same cloth.  Most if not all are millionaires.  All are psychopaths without an ounce (sorry milligram) of conscience – they feel no remorse if people die as a result of their plans to gain power and wealth.  The people are there to serve their needs, not the other way around.

Has David Cameron taken us to war to protect Libyan civilians?  He cares not one iota for them.  Does he lose sleep over the horrific deaths to children that his bombs have caused?  I suspect he sleeps the sleep of the innocent.

He lies to us on a daily basis.  He could solve so many problems facing this country with a sweep of his gold pen if he chose but he doesn’t choose.  He chooses instead to enforce onto the peoples of these Isles, a feeling of fear.  Fear that they may lose their jobs, their homes, their pensions, their lives even.  Fear that all that they have worked for may be taken from them in increased costs of petrol, electricity, gas, water and food.

Fear of imminent attack from terrorists, fear of crime, fear of having funding for your health care reduced or even removed.


To escape that fear many, many people immerse themselves in a twilight world of make-believe by submerging their fears in Eastenders or Celebrity Cook Time or some other ‘trash’ television.  Anything to take away the thoughts of the real world.  More people vote in the ‘X-Factor’ show each week, putting even more money into Simon Cowel’s bulging pockets, than vote in a general Election once every 4 or 5 years.

The aim is forGreat Britain to become absorbed by the European Union.  To that end Cameron is dismantling our Armed Forces so that we are dependent upon the EU for our defence.  35,000 police jobs are to go to be replaced by Europol, a European wide police force.  The vast majority of our utilities are already owned by foreign companies.  Hoards of immigrant workers flood into the country taking jobs from indigenous Britons, forcing them to become dependent upon the State.  Grateful to the State for the handouts they are allowed to have.  We will be far too busy fighting to retain what we do have from a surge in the crime wave which will burgeon forth as more and more people realise that there is an ever increasing likelihood that they will get away with their crimes.

And all the while the ‘Elitist’s’ will be sitting comfortably atop the pile, safe and secure in their fortified homes with their security guards to protect them.

Are you helpless in the face of this mighty power?  Must you just allow them to play with your life and the lives of your children?  The answer unfortunately is YES and all you have to do is NOTHING.

But if you want to turn off Eastenders and THINK instead about what is happening, you are starting to turn the tide.

If you want to join the Reisitance and fight back, now is your chance.  Together we can stop them.  Together we can change not only England, not only Great Britain – but potentially the world.  But you must ACT NOW!  Tomorrow is a day wasted.  Next month and it will be more difficult.  Next year and it may be too late.

The REAL BRITS is a focul point for people who have had enough – join us today.

By  Ben Deafdude Weald  16 July 2011


Why do we pay a government to do a job that none of them are capable of??

Let’s look at it logically, if u buy a car and, say, the indicators don’t work u return to the garage and ask them to fix it before you have an accident. If they still…… don’t work u would be quite entitled to ask for a refund, so that u can go elsewhere and purchase a car that does not have faulty indicators.

So why then do we repeatedly elect these accidents waiting to happen, and pay people who r liars, cheats, thieves and completely incapable of solving any of our current economic, social or environmental problems.

Did u know that approximately 90% of the wealth in this country is owned by only about 2% of the population? Which means that they are the minority and we r the majority. So why do we silently let these elite few dictate to us how we live our lives, what we must pay for things and how much of our hard-earned money should go in their pockets?

Did u know that income tax was a short-term measure bought in during the war to aid with the cost of the war? The government think it is ok to keep stuffing more money in their pockets while our purses get emptier.

Why do we mindlessly, unquestionably go about our daily lives letting these people, basically, take the piss out of us. They get a pay rise nearly 30% their annual wage and we get one of 2%!!! Don’t u think there is something wrong here? or am I the only one in the whole of the UK who feels this way??

An example of what we are capable of: –

The Government refuses to lower the tax of petrol, yes? 75% of the price of petrol is tax that goes into the governments pockets. Now imagine this: – if every person who owned a car went on a one day strike the whole country would come to a stand still and the economy would be in complete chaos.WE HAVE THE REAL POWER BECAUSE WE ARE THE MAJORITY!!!

Think about it!!!!!


By Rod Bridger.  The REAL BRITS.  15 July  2011


There is much in the media these days about the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ refering to the western orchestrated unrest in the Middle East.  Undoubtedly some of those who are fighting actually believe that they are doing so for their freedom and I do not intend to go into any details as to whether that oil rich but very sad area of our planet, will benefit the ordinary people or whether they will still be under the yoke of oppression when the bullets stop flying. 

I am referring to Freedom in this country.  For hundreds of years England and the rest of the United Kingdom has been a beacon of freedom to the world.  When other nations have stifled the free speech of their people’s often with extreme violence, it has been recognised that in the UK, you can say what you like, when you like and how you like – just as long as you are not inciting violence.

Britons have been free to criticise their government, their church, even their Monarch if they feel strongly enough about them.  It has been the right of every Englishman to mount a pedestal in their town centre and spout off on any subject that they so wish, often to the enjoyment of a happily entertained audience.  The maximum price paid was an occasional bloody nose when someone else disagreed equally as strongly.

Freedom of Speech has always been defended vigorously in this ‘Sceptred isle’ until now.  BUT NO MORE.

To commemorate the London bombings that took place on 7th July 2005, a group of people gathered in Tavistock Square in London, which was the site of the bomb detonated by a suicide bomber on the top deck of a bus.  Some of the people who attended this quiet and dignified ceremony belonged to an organisation called March for England (MfE), a group of people who celebrate things English, such as St. George’s Day, Armistice Day etc.  Normally they gather and fly their flags and simply enjoy themselves, on this day however it was a very dignified event with no flags just flowers.

When the small ceremony was over, it appears that a small group of friends wanted to catch up with each other as they only normally see each other a few times a year.  Consequently they retired to the infamous Blind Beggar pub in the East End of London, to enjoy a pint of good English Ale.

Alas this was not to be, for suddenly they were joined by a large party of London’s Best.  Apparently there was a gathering of an extremist Islamist group at a near by location and the Metropolitan Police made the decision that 15 people dressed accordingly for a formal memorial service, posed a serious enough threat to the safety of the followers of the ‘Religion of Peace’ to warrant the presence of over 30 heavily equipped Riot police backed up by even more police officers in the streets outside.

All 15 present were arrested whilst quietly enjoying a social gathering, placed in police vans at a ratio of three officers to each person arrested, and taken not to a local police station but to one a considerable distance away in Kent.  It would appear that the police deemed that a group of people in a pub, chatting and socialising were a serious threat and it was necessary for them to be arrested to prevent a serious breach of the peace.  Once they arrived at their far off destination, they were de-arrested and told to go home.  When 2 young females members of the group admitted to the police that they had insufficient money to get home from that location, they were informed that this was not a police responsibility and it was down to them to find their way home!

So there you have it.  If you can now be arrested in the Soviet Republic of England even BEFORE you say or do anything illegal – we can safely assume that FREEDOM IN GREAT BRITAIN IS DEAD.

Freedom comes at a price – it is expensive.  But there are many people in these Isles who will continue to sacrifice their own freedom for the sake of others.  Don’t stand by and just watch – for the sake of your children – fight back.  NOW!


By Rod Bridger 11 July 2011.

The words of a senior police officer reporting on a series of ‘Savage’ attacks on a number of people in a city centre which left one man close to death, by a gang of ‘African’ thugs.  Unfortunately for anyone who was hoping that some common sense had permeated through to our Liberal/Left police service, the policeman in question is from the Guardia (Rep of Ireland Police) and he was reporting on a number of incidents that took place in Dublin fair city.  To muddy the water a little more, these incidents took place last October (2010) but have only just been made public, presumably in the interests of Racial Harmony.  But made public they have been which is a much better record than the British police, who continue to cover up serious sexual offences committed by ‘Asian’ gangs in the fear of upsetting Race Relations and being labelled ‘Racist’.

However, I do indeed have an element of sympathy for our police, because often when I have published an article in which the Religion of Peace has been in the least criticised, I am called a ‘Racist’ by that same Liberal/Left and their cohorts.  I do not have any religious affiliation but I have noticed that if I criticise any other religion I do not receive the same criticisms.  Indeed if I criticise the Jewish faith, I receive plaudits from that same left-wing source.  I find this rather strange because in all honesty, I believe that there is not a great deal of difference between Islam and Zionism.  Both appear to me to be based on intolerance of other faiths and an arrogance that borders on the obscene.

What has inspired these words today is an article that came across my desk from a fellow blogger. The following link   will take you to a less graphic article that covers the same subject as I see no benefit in displaying the horrific pictures and details that are contained in the original piece.  It discusses not only the benefits of various sized stones to be used for stoning people to death in the wonderful state of the ‘Islamic Republic of Iran’, where this primeval method of execution is still sanctioned by the state but also points out that there is a LEGAL size to the required stone.  Too small and not enough damage is done to the victim – too big a stone and death may come too quick.  Compassionate these Arabs aren’t they? I suspect that many readers are already powering up their keyboards to point out that the Iranian government has placed a moratorium on stoning – but the fact is that is still legal, it still  happens to this day, and at least one person is still being held in prison under that sentence. 

There is even a different method for stoning men and women.  Men are buried up to their waist, whereas women are buried up to their chest.  The upside is that should the victim manage to climb from the pit, they MAY (depending on whether a conviction was due to an admission by the accused or whether the presiding judge just reckons they are guilty regardless) be set free.  However under the legal execution system, the victim is placed in a large sack covering their whole body before they are lowered into the pit, and their arms and hands are tied.  The ability to escape from the bonds, sack and pit, whilst under a hail of, the right sized of course, stones would defeat even the efforts of the Great Houdini himself.

“So what about it?” I hear you say, “This is happening in a different world”.  Well, yes that’s right but when you consider that the notorious Muslims Against Crusades are advocating that Dewsbury, Bradford and Tower Hamlets in East London, become Sharia Law compliant

you will understand that that world may not be so very far away from home.  The time to wake up has passed, if you are not aware as to what is happening to your country – it is too late.  It is now time for action.  Whatever your political persuasion it is time for you to visit and start thinking of what sort of a world you are leading your children into.

 The REAL BRITS – We are not being led – we are being herded!

Britain Or Israel?

Posted by Rachel Lowenburg on 23 June 2011

No Man Can Have Two Masters, Mr Cameron

For those spiritual and those not, the words of the Bible contain common sense and truth. Take for instance the simple words of advice that “No man can serve two masters – for he will love one and despise the other.”

Just how then can the British Prime Minister vow to serve both Britain and Israel? Could it now be that David Cameron’s blatant and accelerating dismantling of the British nation, its Constitution, defence, values, morality, history and customs is a sign that he has come to despise the British?

For those who are sensitive about mention of Israel, it is worth emphasising that this article is not about the rights or wrongs of Israel as a nation or its people – our interest and attention is directed to David Cameron, Britain as a Sovereign nation and the Conservative Party. In particular we believe that the British public are entitled to know and understand what their Prime Minister is doing – especially where National loyalty, conflict of interest and treason are concerned.

Starring on the front page of Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) website, British Prime Minister David Cameron’s boyish face is partly hidden in shadows and flanked by Israeli flags – it’s a powerful and emotive media image. But aimed at whom?

The headline is equally robust and more telling – Prime Minister David Cameron: “In me, you have a Prime Minister whose belief in Israel is indestructible.”

This is an interesting statement and of major significance to the British people, whatever their background, colour, race or creed. Searching high and low for media and press reports, nowhere does Cameron make such an overwhelming statement of commitment to Britain. So what is Cameron up to and should we, the British, be concerned?

The overwhelming answer is yes. And a simple search of the CFI website reveals much more about what is really going on behind the scenes in the Conservative Party. More frighteningly it also reveals much about what is going on in the head of young David Cameron. CFI proudly quotes him again:

“I am proud not just to be a Conservative, but a Conservative Friend of Israel; and I am proud of the key role CFI plays within our Party”

So what precisely is the role of Conservative Friends of Israel within the Tory party? Happily their website is only too pleased to tell us in magnificent detail:

“CFI works to promote its twin aims of supporting Israel and promoting Conservatism. With close to 2000 activists as members – alongside 80% of Tory MPs – CFI is active at every level of the Party. CFI organises numerous events in and around Westminster, takes Conservative parliamentarians and candidates on delegations to Israel, campaigns hard for Tory candidates in target seats, and works to ensure that Israel’s case is fairly represented in Parliament.”

Did the electorate know at the last elections that in voting for Cameron and his Tories, they were really voting to elect Cameron and a Tory party that are committed to protect the interests of Israel, and to represent Israel in Parliament? As Cameron says…”his belief in Israel is indestructible.”

Why are the USA, France, Germany for example, not represented in the British Parliament? Can they not work alongside 80% of Tory MPs like Israel? Apparently not, as Cameron is fully committed to Israel. Is his commitment over and above his loyalty to the British Nation and the British Nation State?

If so, is Cameron guilty of treason?

Many already believe Cameron and the Conservatives, alongside Labour and Clegg’s now fading Lib Dems, have committed treason in handing power to the European Union. But surely the love affair with Israel inside Westminster also represents treason?

In an increasingly violent and dangerous world, British politicians who fail to ensure the safety of their own people are dangerous, but more so, as their deviousness and treachery are magnified by their effect within the gates our nation state.

Assisted by the Franco British Council, Cameron recently bound us to a 50 year Military partnership with the French – a nation well known in history as a reliable long term ally of Britain. More recently, the French were happy to sell the Exocet Missiles to Argentina that sank British warship HMS Sheffield and Container Ship Atlantic Conveyor, leaving 24 British dead and 24 injured. These casualties are a small part of the total attributed to French supplied fighter aircraft and technical support teams during the Falklands War.

Neither Blair, Brown, Labour, nor the Cameron Clegg LibCon gave the British public any say in this military alliance which was accompanied by the wholesale emasculation of British Armed Forces; the Royal Navy and RAF in particular.

Israeli Prime Minister who despised the UK. He did all he could to ensure the British were defeated by Argentina in the Falklands War.

Whilst Tory Margaret Thatcher sensibly denied the French an active lobbying group in Westminster, Cameron obviously is not so squeamish where Israel and the CFI is concerned. Most remarkable, when it has recently emerged that Israeli arms company Isrex was more than happy to also supply Air to air missiles, missile radar alert systems, fuel tanks for fighter bombers and gas masks to Argentina. As revealed by Argentine Journalist Hernan Dobry in his book ‘Operation Israel: the rearming of Argentina during the dictatorship (1976/1983)’, Israeli Zionist Chief Begin actively encouraged the arms sales. Israel Lotersztain, a salesman for Isrex Argentina, said “He [Begin] hated the English above all; everyone had forgotten the British occupation, but not him.” His colleague Jaime Weinstein confirmed this, stating: “He [Begin] did all that was possible to help Argentina, selling her weapons during the Malvinas [Falklands] conflict.”

Meanwhile we simply ask which of his two masters Cameron is serving – Britain or Israel?

Mon, 20/06/2011

The REAL BRITS Comment:

Clearly it is not possible for a British Prime Minister to represent his own country AND a foreign state.  This is not even in the same ball park  as the betrayal of British interests to the European Union – it is clear and unadulterated treason to a foreign power that certainly is no friend of the United Kingdom.

Having recently heard of an Israeli group on Facebook,  I eagerly joined in a spirit of consolidation and friendship, particularly in view of the common enemy that both countries now face.  I was shocked by the response which was extremely anti-British and glorified the deaths of British soldiers during the period British troops were stationed in Palestinian at the behest of the international community just after the second world war.

I made sterling efforts to move away from the past to the present but I was constantly under a barrage of anti-British arrogant comments and insults.  Eventually it did permeate through to my poor dim mind that I was only providing a willing target for these bigots, I therefore withdrew myself from the group.

Is it any wonder that the State of Israel, a nation for which I have always had the greatest respect,  has to rely on likes of Cameron for friends.   I wonder if there really is any difference between Israel and the Arab nations determined to destroy her?

I give this warning to Israel


The REAL BRITS – The Voice of the Silent Majority:

Is there really ANY difference between either side in this conflict?