Archive for June, 2011




Going Up!

Petrol prices through the roof now at £6.20 per gallon.  Car insurance – 30% increase.  Basic food such as bread, milk eggs etc placing unbearable strain on families.  Electricity, gas and water prices going up even higher.

Going Down!

Wage cuts, wage freezes, cuts to your pension. 

Job losses, house repossessions.

Savings being used to meet everyday expenses.

Health & Welfare

Dirty hospitals.  Torture in our Nursing Homes.  Neglect of our elderly.  Millions reliant upon Welfare payments.

National Security!

Police numbers being cut.  Not just cut but officers with 30 years experience.  Which means that the Police will be even less efficient and even more criminals will get away with their crimes.  The ultimate result is that the people will become so worried by a perceived breakdown in Law & Order, that vigilante law will prevail with the real possibility  of a complete collapse of Law & Order .

Military cut backs even though we are fighting wars on two different fronts, with even more in the offing.  Moral is so low in our Armed Forces that hundreds of the most senior and experienced officers and senior ranks are applying to leave.  At the same time the people at the ‘Sharp End’ are being denied the equipment to do the job as safely as possible and the Generals and Admirals are telling the government that the Armed Forces are close to collapse.  Our pilots are having to learn French and fly French aircraft from French Carriers as a further ‘watering down’ ofBritain’s capability militarily.

We have already experienced two ignominious withdrawals (some say unkindly – retreats) from Helmand and Basra in Iraq and in addition to the governments infatuation with rescuing foreign civilians (sic) in Libya, we appear to be squaring up to Argentina and the Falklands all over again.

And then there is the security situation at home with extremist on every street corner waiting to blow us all to kingdom come.  Thank God we have a government that takes this threat seriously and has installed more CCTV cameras in the UK than even Communist China has.  We are so very much grateful that they can monitor all of our emails and telephone calls; it’s a small price to pay for being kept safe.  We don’t mind being stopped by the police and asked to explain what we are doing.  Big Brother it may be but it’s good to know that our government is doing it for our own good.

 Worry, Worry, Worry.

Practically every day there seems to be something new for us to worry about but at least we are ‘all in it together’ – Aren’t we

After all, our Prime Minister has said so, and he wouldn’t lie to us – would he

He has said that all of the price increases and cuts in services and pensions etc are all necessary and unavoidable, so that must be the case – mustn’t it?

It is affecting the people so badly that every waking moment is spent worrying about what is going to happen next.  Thank the Lord that our government, the people that we put our trust in to look after the nation and her people, are doing their best for us – aren’t they?

Some people say that the rich are getting richer, whilst the rest of us are getting poorer.  That can’t be right – can it? 

Well, yes actually it is!

The truth is that we are NOT ‘All in this together’. 

Do you really think that they care you or your family?  Do they care if you lose your job or even lose your home?  Do they care if it is not safe for you to walk the streets in the daytime let alone at night?

Do you think that they care if your elderly mother is abused, beaten or starved in their ‘Care’ home?  Do they really care if your child is receiving an education that will set them up for their future or whether they end their school days unable to read, write or articulate?

Do they really care if your son, brother, husband or father is lying mutilated in a Birmingham hospital or indeed they came home via Wooten Bassett?

You need to understand that every one of us and that includes you and your children, are incidental to their plans.  It matters not, whether you live or die, indeed they probably would prefer it if you died now.  That way they do not have to pretend that care.  They do not have to pay your pension or your health costs.  They do not have to pay for your children’s education or care.

In their eyes the world is over populated by some 4 Billion people.  They have the wealth and the power all they need is enough people to ensure that they can be kept in the luxury to which they have become accustomed.

The video below is a little over 2 hours long.  It’s not a blockbuster film such as ‘Titanic’ and there is not even an ‘X Factor’ in sight.  What it is, is probably the most important film you have ever watched.  I implore you to invest just 2 and a quarter hours to understand what is happening and why it is happening to this country and to the world.

Please do not be put off by the length of this film, every second of it is really important to YOUR future and the future of YOUR CHILDREN.

When you’ve watched it, think about it – talk about it – get everyone you know to do the same.  It could just save you. 

You  can ignore it of course but don’t complain when it all comes about will you?  It will be too late.


By Rod Bridger

The REAL BRITS is the natural political home for everyone who is alarmed, scared or angry at what is happening to this country.  No matter what your political leanings are, this movement will bring together people from every view point, who have one thing in common.  A love for their country.

Not so many years ago, Great Britain was just that – GREAT!  She had just emerged victorious from a world wide war.  She had stood alone from 1939 to 1942, against the might of Nazi Germany when others had capitulated or signed a fawning peace with the aggressor.  The sheer bloody mindedness of her people and their unshakeable faith in their Island Nation, refused to even contemplate such an agreement with Hitler, even though every other European nation gave in to him.  She won the Battle of Britain alone against overwhelming odds, the single greatest act that set in place and assured the ultimate victory with our partners.  With this single victory the Royal Air Force effectively denied control of European air space to Germany for the remainder of the war.

The Royal Navy commanded every sea and the Merchant Fleet brought the goods from across the Empire to these isles under the protection of the White Ensign, which enabled her to continue the struggle until that victory.

After six years of all out war, Great Britain was battered and she was very bruised BUT she stood undefeated and she stood proud!

It took less than 30 years for the treachery from within, to start the slow insidious betrayal of the birthright of every man, woman and child who fought, died and suffered for this land.  Since the then Prime Minister, Ted Heath, signed the Treaty of Rome in the early 70s, every Prime Minister and senior politician has been complicit in that continued betrayal of our Nation.

The giving away of the Rights of every Englishman under Ancient Law. 

The wholesale destruction of our fishing industry and our manufacturing industry. 

The flooding of our Nation by immigrants who bring nothing to the country with the exception of placing unbearable strain on our Welfare, Health, Education, Housing and Employment systems.  The encouragement of an alien culture designed to further destroy the indigenous culture, customs and laws. 

The destruction of the fabric of traditional British culture of ‘Fair-mindedness’ and even ‘Family Life’. 

The dumbing down and the betrayal of the young people by the introduction of readily available alcohol and drugs and the failing standards of education.

The reliance of huge swathes of the population on the State, through Welfare payments or through public employment.

The waste of lives of the cream of our youth in unnecessary and illegal wars. 

The waste of £100 billions of public money in fighting those wars.  Increasing the wealth of a whole industry built to support those wars.  Who owns those companies?

The imposition of a National Debt that is so huge that the share for each and every family in the country is a massive £300,000.

All to ensure that the Political Elite will be able to control the thinking and the minds of our country for their own perverted benefits and personal wealth and power.

Oh it will be so easy to say that “There is nothing I can do about it.  It is far too big for me to deal with”.  Well thank God that your parents or grandparents did not say that in 1939, because if they had – you would not be here to read this now. 

Now it is your turn to step up and put your head above the parapet – for the sake of YOUR grandchildren.  Otherwise, how will you be able to look them in the eye when they ask you:

 “What did YOU do to try and stop this happening to us Granddad”?

By Rod Bridger

There are two issues at stake here.

Cast your mind back to the Stephen Laurence affair when the Metropolitan Police were described as ‘Institutionally Racist’.  Clearly the situation has changed considerably since those dark days; with the difference today being that the Met is now ‘Institutionally Racist’ against whites!  Further, one of the highest banners flown by the PC Brigade over recent years has been that of homophobia.  Today it appears that, in Tower Hamlets at least, that the Metropolitan Police are really not interested in you if you are white – or worse still, white and gay!  Unless of course, you are the one who has committed an offence, and then no doubt, they will come down on you like a ton of bricks.

The other, and probably more important issue at task here, is the way that the London Borough of Tower Hamlets is being converted into an Islamic Republic.

Sharia Law is hardly ‘Creeping’ in this large section of our capital city – it is galloping.  Citizens are afraid to walk the streets even in the day time.  Local businesses are intimidated and threatened to the extent that they fear for their safety and have to close up shop and move away.  Women who commit the heineous crime of not wearing the hijab or, heavens forbid wear a skirt that shows too much leg, are ‘spoken too’ by the would be religious police. Teachers are not allowed to carry out their duties without the fear of being viciously attacked and beaten to within an inch of their lives, or at best intimidated into accepting conditions that are imposed upon them by extremists from an alien culture.

Is this restricted to the indigenous white population?  No it is not!  This is not an issue of Race.  It is a political campaign by members of an extreme arm of Islam to impose their law, their ways on every inhabitant of Tower Hamlets, whether they are white English, Asian or any hue under the sun.  Law abiding Muslims, ordinary people who just want to get on with their lives free from the barbaric, ignorant and primitive way of life that these people are imposing upon them, are under threat.

In all honesty, what can they do about it when even the British Establishment and the Metropolitan Police allow these evil people to flourish?  Dare they speak up against it when the response would at best be a beating?  Or do they just try to keep their heads down?  When the supposed custodians of the law, the Metropolitan Police ignore complaints from the victims because they do not want to appear ‘RACIST’, what chance to they have?  When law-abiding citizens are put in fear because of the reluctance of the police to do their duty, there is something very wrong indeed with the Police Service and with their political masters.

This is the culture involved.  In their homelands, massive crowds are seen in praise of whichever despot is running their country today.  Well, to be honest, I might even get out and wave a banner if I had a gun at the back of my children’s heads!

So what is to be done?  This actually brings us to the THIRD issue at stake here.  It is clear that the British government are, at best reluctant, to grasp the mettle of this, and at worst, are deliberately turning a blind eye to it!  One thing is clear however, and that is if this behaviour is allowed to continue unabated, this will be the future of England

A future where ANY person of any colour or of any religion who does not bow and succumb to the ‘Mighty Allah’ (‘Peace’ be upon himPeace – Really?) will face extermination.  ANY person who fails to comply with their version of the perversion that is Sharia Law will face being whipped in public by the Religious Police or even being stoned to death!  ANY person who does not fit their evil vision of the norm, such as members of the gay community will face death.  Incidentally, the traditional method of execution for being gay is to be thrown off a cliff, although in the Islamic Republic of Iran they prefer to kill people by placing a noose around the neck and raising them on a crane jib until they slowly strangle to death!

Is it not strange that the ONLY people, who are doing their very best to stop this advance of Islamification of England and the implementation of this vile system about to be imposed on this country, are people such as the English Defence League and the March for England movement?   Both of which are groups of ordinary English people who are reviled by our lefties media.  They may be a bit rough around the edges but they are prepared to nail their flag (the Cross of St George naturally) to the mast and take to the streets to protest at what they perceive as the destruction of England.  They are the only people who do their best to wake up the British people from their government induced slumber and make them aware that time is rapidly running out for them and their children.

Their reward is to be reviled by the subservient British media as Right Wing Extremists and Fascist Thugs.  The same slothful media, including the BBC who are too lazy to investigate fully what is happening and what alternatives there are to save the country.  Because, make no mistake about this, if it were not for people such as these who put their feet where their hearts are – on the streets – the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF GREAT BRITAINISTAN is only a short step away.

Unless it is actually true that the British government and their lickspittle lap-dogs who run their propaganda machine, are actually working for the overthrow of the British State – to be replaced by an Islamic dictatorship, it really is time for the liberal/left controlled media of this country to throw off the shackles and stand up and be counted, speak for their country whilst they still have the opportunity to do so.  To fail to do so will show that they are as bad as the Unite Against Fascists (a cover for their Marxist Communist masters) and other traitors who are determined to bring about their own version of a Soviet Britain using the guise of Islam.

The REAL BRITS – Speaking for the silent majority.!

By Brian Gerrish

British Democracy On A Knife Edge.  Whilst British troops die and are maimed in the wastes of Afghanistan, supposedly protecting their families and country from ‘international terrorists’, the very people who created the world wide terror programme are hollowing out democracy at home. Marxists have penetrated the EU and Westminster, and they are building a dictatorship in Britain and Europe.

Further critical evidence of marxist penetration of the European Union is emerging.  A string of communist placemen, all associated with oppressive regimes are being exposed within the EU Commission.  Working with well informed Russian dissidents, with access to Kremlin and KGB records, Gerard Batten UKIP MEP has recently bravely challenged the EU to remove this malign influence.   His words will of course fall on deaf ears since the EU is itself a creation of Fabian Marxism.   A slow creeping ideological cancer that has now spread within the western world including the UK.  It is coupled to Marxists and other communists now blatantly visible within Westminster. We ignore this spread of cancer at our peril.

Gerard Batten - UKIP MEP

Whilst many still believe the EU is democratic, with a free vote in the European Parliament, the truth is that a secretive and powerful Commission drives the agenda for the creation of a massive European superstate.  This body is anything but democratic.   In fact the European Commission acts as an powerful secretive executive of the European Union with 27 Commissioners.  It is responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the Union’s treaties and the general day-to-day running of the Union.

Only those who have lived through cold-war communism both in the Soviet Union and East Germany for example can appreciate the fear and oppression.  Secret police, hidden gulag prison camps, arrests, spies, mistrust amongst neighbours, propaganda and a life of serving the State.  Have you noticed the proliforation of police state regulations now blighting Britain.  Not to mention the CCTV cameras, 20,000 public official snoopers, politically correct speech, Vexatious Threat Asssessment Centres where the police and psychiatrists can section people for thinking about crime, and courts with no juries.  Under Fabian Blair, supported by Labour, Conservatives and Lib Dem MPs, the UK was happy to launch illegal wars, assist in torture and run a BBC propaganda programme to cover up the truth.   Are these all coincidences?

In the West, we were fooled into thinking that with the fall of the Berlin Wall came the fall of communism. Nothing is further from the truth. The face of communism changed but behind the scenes the cruel communist dream of “one world government, the abolition of the nation state and their replacement by regions, was to be accompanied by the destruction of the family and the crushing of Christianity.  Let’s also not forget that environmental issues were also to be more important than man.”

A great many people warned us that we were being deceived – dissidents, military and religious leaders, some politicains, researchers, authors and more.  Despite their best efforts papers, reports, books and even films were overshadowed by the massive media campaign for Glasnost spewed out by the BBC and mainstream media.

To understand how our own media betrayed us, we need to look behind the scenes at who controls and pays for them.  Deeper research will show it is the same bankers who have funded the rise of communism since the Bolsheviks.  Unpalatable but not untrue.

Whilst many have laughed at the leadership of UKIP, and those fighting for Britain, Batten deserves recognition for sticking his neck out to name dangerous people within the EU.


The same EU that is making our laws and now claims to run our justice system.  But where are Cameron and Clegg in all this?  Silent and increasingly complicit in denying the truth about the EU.  Their blue and yellow rinse supporters follow like lemmings.  Batten states:

“Mr Barroso himself was a member of an underground revolutionary Maoist party, at the time when such parties were directed from Beijing in the same way as the Communist Parties were controlled by Moscow. He reportedly left it only in 1977, after China abandoned its worldwide subversive network.  The Maoist brand of communism was the foulest of all and the Chinese Communist Party is estimated to have been responsible for the deaths of at least eighty million of their own people.  [Ed – We should note here that this foul Chinese system was greately praised by the banker Rothschild as an excellent example of social control.]

Five Commissioners-designate include Communist apparatchiks: Siim Kallas, Maroš Šefcovic, Štefan Füle, Andris Piebalgs and Janez Potocnik.  [More detail on these individuals is given at the end of this article]  All of these men served oppressive communist regimes or were members of communist parties.   Another candidate, Maria Damanaki, is the former Greek Communist Party MP.  Communist parties are by their nature non-democratic, and wherever they have achieved power, oppressive.

Baroness Ashton, designated as the EU’s High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, was the Treasurer of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in Britain in the early 1980s and was allegedly a communist sympathiser.   I recently supplied Mr Barosso with information indicating that during her time as CND’s Treasurer unidentified donations may have included money channelled from the Soviet bloc.   Baroness Ashton has so far failed to give a full and clear answer to these accusations.  If they are true it shows that she was prepared to accept money from Britain’s enemies to undermine the foreign and security policy of her own country and that of NATO.  That being the case she can hardly be a proper person to entrust with the EU’s foreign and security policy now.

Joaquín Almunia belongs to the Marxist wing of the Socialist Workers’ Party in Spain.  He was a minister in the SWP Government in 1986-1991, under Felipe Gonzalez.  This Government was fanatically pro-Kremlin and enthusiastically supported the Soviet project of the creation of a ‘common European home’, it also opposed the independence of the Baltic states.  As SWP leader in 2000, Almunia was personally responsible for its infamous electoral coalition with the communist-dominated ‘Izquierda Unida’ block.  The candidature of László Andor is strongly objected to by many Hungarians, and others, on the grounds of his allegedly Marxist views and former closeness to the Hungarian Communist Party.  One of the few real powers this Parliament has is the ability to reject the Commission.  It is our duty to hold the Commission candidates accountable for their pasts.  No one who worked for, collaborated with, or was in any way compromised by their association with communist regimes is fit to be a Commissioner in what at least purports to be a democratic institution.  Too many questions remain unanswered.  The new Commission must be composed of new people with clean records.

Some of you may recall that in April 2006 I asked for a Parliamentary enquiry into the allegations of my constituent Alexander Litvinenko, a former Lieutenant Colonel in the Russian FSB, that a former President of the Commission, Romano Prodi, had been an agent of some kind of the KGB.  This enquiry never happened and Mr Litvinenko was murdered before I could bring him to the Parliament to openly discuss his allegations.

The allegations about the communist past of some of the proposed Commissioners must not similarly be ignored.   Those of you who maintain that the democratic credentials of the EU can be improved must form a consensus across the political spectrum to reject the proposed Commissioners and demand one composed of genuine democrats.

Therefore I call on all MEPs of whatever political affiliation or group membership to vote against and reject the currently proposed Commission as unfit to represent an institution that purports to be democratic.”

Encouragingly, but with little time left, others are supporting Batten and the UKColumn in highlighting the deliberate destruction of democracy in UK.  John Laughland Mail on Sunday wrote in Feb 2000 “Why activists and communists will soon run British justice.”   He stated:  But it is the court in Strasburg which will sit atop this new judicial pyramid … it is here that the threat to civil liberties is at its greatest … since 1990 the Council of Europe has gone on an expansionist binge bringing in new members from nearly all of the countries in formerly Communist Eastern Europe and many from the former Soviet Union, including Russia … consequently there now sits in Strasburg a man who worked for the Communist government of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, a woman who enforced communist law in Bulgaria under Todor Zhivkov and a man whose career began during the rule of Albania’s Enver Hoxha, the most hideous Stalinist dictatorship Europe has even seen.”

Strasburg and the European Court of Human Rights are of course supported by everybody from Jack Straw (‘forner’ communist) to that pinnacle of truth Cherie Blair (husband Chair of the Fabian Socialist movement).

Former communists (really?) in power at Westminster include Mandy Mandelson, Bob Ainsworth, both Milliband brothers, Reid, Hain, Treisman, Brown (helped into power by the Scottish Communists and with Charles Whelan, a former high ranking communist, his principal spin doctor).  Mandelson is of course a great friend of the Rothschild banking empire that so praised the Chinese communist experiment that murdered 60 million? people.

Peter - now Lord - Mandelson


Even Melony Phillips from the Daily Mail, has started waving a red flag of warning.  On Nov 9 2009 she wrote a major article warning.  ”We were fools to think the fall of the Berlin Wall had killed off the far Left.  They’re back and attacking us from within. ” Her text states…” the republic of Euroland puts loyalty to itself higher than that to individual nations and their values.  It refused to commit itself in its constitution to uphold Christianity, the foundation of western morality … Instead it committed to moral and cultural relativism, which sets group against group and guarantees supreme and anti-democratic power to the beaurocrats setting the rules on ‘diversity’ and outlawing all dissent from pemitted attitudes.  ” These are fine and astute words.  What a pity the Daily Mail failed to report 3,000 demonstators at Parliament demanding a referendum on the impending Lisbon Treaty – an unlawful treaty later signed by the treasonous communist Brown – the Mail instead preferred to write for 8 days on the danger of plastic bags!  Credit where it’s due though – Phillips has woken up as has Peter Hitchens.  Many more journalists need to as they will be the first to be silenced in a dictatorship.  Try asking the dead and missing journalists and investigative reporters in the new ‘CCCP democracy’ of Russia.  The impending revolution in UK will, if allowed to manifest, eat its young.  That includes men, women and children, Jew, Muslim and Christian, gay, straight and bisexual alike.

We should not forget that the Marxist menace has long been gnawing at the British establishment.  The cambridge spies Blunt and Co, Harold Wilson and others in his government were all extreme socialist and too close to the Soviet Union.  The General Secretary of the Transport and General Worker’s Union, Jack Jones, was recently exposed as being a KGB agent.  In his latter years Jones still vetted Labour candidates – we can only guess what attributes he was looking for.  A young Blair?

Peter Oborne is another journalist now looking in the right place. On Saturday 2 Jan 2009 he wrote under “I spy a mystery”.  “Last week, I asked Gordon Brown yet again to withdraw his effusive words of praise for trade unionist Jack Jones in the light of the revelation that Jones had been a paid Soviet agent for many years.  And yet again he has refused to do so.  This is mysterious and I will be looking much deeper into old labour’s connection with Soviet communism in the weeks to come.“

Jack Jones - In the pay of Moscow


Are people waking up to the treason within Britain?  Finally, yes.  But it needs to be faster and on a massive scale, since the police state doors are closing.  A word of advice for Oborne and his fellow journalists is time is short. The marxist cancer seen in Labour is now also in the Tories and Lib Dems, just as it always was in communism and fascism. Today it takes a Fabian form.  Across politics, parties, third sector and civil service, it is hidden in full light of day.  As such it can be destroyed, but only when the majority of people lawfully rebel to reject and destroy it.  Journalists and media people have a moral and professional responsibility to assist.

•Siim Kallas. Member of Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) 1972-1990, apparatchik in Soviet Estonia’s Finance Ministry 1975-1979; Director of the ESSR’s Central Board of the (state owned) Savings Bank 1979-1986; Deputy Editor-in.Chief of the Estonian Communist Party’s daily newpaper, Rahva Haal, 1986-1989; Chairman of the ESSR’s Central Association of Trade Unions, 1989-1991.
•Maroš Šefcovic. Former member of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, student at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), known to be a “KGB incubator”.
•Štefan Füle. Member of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia 1982-1989; a graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). Worked for the Foreign Ministry of communist Czechoslovakia since 1987.
•Andris Piebalgs. Communist Party of the Soviet Union member during the late 1980s, and an official at Soviet Latvia’s Ministry of Education in 1988-1990.
•Janez Potocnik. Formerly a mid-ranking apparatchik (Assistant Director of Institute of Economic Analysis and Development in Ljubljana) in communist Yugoslavia.

Fri, 22/01/2010



Alan Watt: “The velvet glove coming off the iron fist”

By Rod Bridger

David (call me Dave) Cameron stands charged with the most serious of crimes it is possible to commit.  The crime of TREASON.


 Cameron is responsible for handing control of theUK’s borders to a foreign power.  He is responsible for reducing the ability of our Armed Forces to protect those borders from outside aggression.  Perhaps from the same foreign power that now controls our borders!

 This nation is at risk.  It is at risk from outside aggression and it is at risk from TRAITORS within.  There is no other word to describe the actions of this man.  A man that the British people trusted to defend and protect us.

 Despite our military’s inability to conduct an affective campaign inAfghanistan due to not enough boots on the ground and not having the right equipment to enable those boots to either fight a war or even protect themselves – he takes our country into another war!  For what reason does he risk the lives of even more British troops, other than for personal gain?  It is said that his ‘hero’ Tony Blair has received something in the region of £40 million since taking our forces intoIraq.  That, and the kudos with other countries that he believes will catapult him onto the world stage, is what drives him to risk other people’s lives.

 At the same time that he savagely destroys the ability of the country to defend herself, he again attempts to ensure his reputation as a ‘jolly good chap’ by ring fencing the Foreign Aid budget.  The Commonwealth Development Corporation which is the responsible Quango, can afford £700 dinners and £350 taxi fares, whilst they shovel money to places like China and India, countries that do not need or even want the money.  Nobody can deny that there is severe poverty in the African sub continent, but that was the case more than 30 years ago when we started pouring money into it.  So where has it all gone?  That’s the problem, we do not know because there are no checks.  Many African leaders have done very nicely thank you.  The people may be starving but the dictators are living in luxury – paid for by you!  Perhaps they have invested in property inDubai, as has President Karzai ofAfghanistan with his £90 million portfolio.

 Do you know anyone who has been killed or maimed in that excuse for a country?

Polish Battle Tank

If this does not make you very angry, then Cameron, Brown, Blair and their evil gangs have won.  This country is doomed.  YOU must take some responsibility and YOU must open your eyes – before you wake up and find Polish tanks inParliament Square.

Get Angry.  Support the Real Brits.

  • A child was the victim of a sex crime every 20 minutes last year, police figures have shownA child was the victim of a sex crime every 20 minutes last year and one in four of the known suspects was also under 18, police figures have shown.

    More than 23,000 child sex offences – 64 a day – were recorded by police in England and Wales in 2009/10, up 8 from 2007/08. One in four of the victims were aged 11 or under and more than 1,000 were four or younger, the data from the 43 forces showed.

    The NSPCC, which obtained the figures under freedom of information laws, said the rise was a real concern and it was clear that more services were needed to address the harmful sexual behaviour of young people, as well as adult offenders.

    Of the 23,390 child sex offences, including rape, incest and gross indecency, recorded last year, more than half (12,088) were aged 12-15, while around one in four were aged five to 11 (5,164) and a similar proportion were aged 16 and 17 (5,022).

    One in every 25 child victims (1,028) was aged four or under and the ages of a further 88 child victims were unknown. The figures also showed 2,200 of the 9,636 suspects were aged under 18. Britain’s largest force, the Metropolitan Police, recorded the most child sex offences (3,672), followed by West Midlands Police (1,531) and the West Yorkshire force (1,205).

    Jon Brown, who leads on child sex abuse for the NSPCC, said: “The rise in recorded sex offences against children is a real concern and we need to find ways to help victims and change the behaviour of young offenders. More than 2,000 suspects in these cases were under 18. It’s clear we need more services that address the harmful sexual behaviour of young people, as well as adult offenders. We urge everyone to be vigilant and report any concerns they have about a child.”

    A Home Office spokeswoman said: “These figures are appalling and we’ll continue to work with groups like the NSPCC to protect the most vulnerable people in our society. The child sex offender disclosure scheme was rolled out to all police forces in England and Wales earlier this year. This is not only a major step forward in our ability to protect children from sex offenders but also empowers parents and guardians to understand how best to protect their children.

    “There are specialist child abuse investigation teams and specialist rape prosecutors in every area and the Government has commissioned a review into the sexualisation of children which will report soon.”

    But the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) warned that recorded crime figures were “not a good indicator of the prevalence or trends of child sexual abuse”. Assistant Chief Constable Peter Davies, the Acpo lead for child protection and child abuse investigation, said: “We know that much abuse goes unreported, and it is conceivable that some increase in recorded crime may be attributable to victims, particularly those who have suffered historic abuse, having greater confidence to report these matters.

    “We have a firm commitment to continuing our work. There is much more to do. It is a priority for every force and we must continue to work both nationally and locally to share best practice and specialist skills. We can’t do it alone which is where partnerships with organisations such as the NSPCC are so key but we will use every tool at our disposal to keep children safe from harm.”

The PHOENIX says;

Do we need to restore the death penalty for this type of offence?  Before you answer, please consider that it is estimated that only 10% of these cases are actually reported to – or actioned by –  the authorities.

The REAL BRITS suggest that the ultimate deterrent needs to be restored for this and other crimes such as pre-meditated murder and treason.  Now let’s hear what you think.


THE REAL BRITS.  The Voice of the Silent Majority.